Finance Committee

As outlined in the NASA bylaws, the role of the Finance Committee is to:

a) make recommendations regarding the proper administration of the finances of the Association;
b) ensure that expenditures are lawfully made;
c) recommend to the Executive Board the transfer of budget allocations;
d) ensure that a proper and complete record of the financial affairs of the Association is accurately maintained at
all times;
e) make recommendations to the Treasurer in respect to the investments of the funds of the Association;
f) review the proposed annual budget and amend or modify that budget;
g) present, through its Chair, a proposed annual budget to the Executive Board;
h) present the proposed annual budget as approved by the Executive Board to the Annual General Meeting; and
i) review major expenditures not provided for in the approved annual budget or which do not pertain to current negotiations and make recommendations regarding same to the Executive Board.

2024-2026 Finance Committee Members

Committee Chair: Rebecca Saul |
Chesceri Mason Gafuik
Jamie Hunwick
Hasul Kim
Ishaan Sachdeva
Grace Tshakatumba
Cassandra Van Essen (Vice-Chair)

There are currently no vacancies on this committee. If you are interested in volunteering with the committee, please contact the NASA Office by email at or by phone at 780-439-3181 or 1-877-439-3111.