NASA Committees are one of the most critical ways that our union provides services to its members, and are one of the main ways that members can get more involved in their union.
The bylaws stipulate that NASA will have eight standing committees, and empowers the executive board to establish ad hoc committees as required.
Standing Committees
NASA has established the following standing committees:
Finance Committee
Grievance Committee
Membership Services Committee
Political Action & Member Education Committee
Human Resources Committee
Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Committee
Bylaws and Policy Committee
Award Committee
The term of office for each standing committee is two years, and elections are held to coincide with the term of office of the committee chair, meaning that there are elections for the following committees in even-numbered years: Finance Committee; Grievance Committee; Political Action and Member Education Committee; Bylaws and Policy Committee, and elections for the following committees in odd-numbered years: Membership Services Committee; Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity Committee; Human Resources Committee; Award Committee.
The NASA president sits on all committees an an ex officio member.
Ad Hoc Committees
NASA currently has two ad hoc committees:
Dues Review Committee
Health and Safety Working Group
University and External Committees
In addition, NASA is also responsible for filling support staff vacancies on a number of university committees/bodies, including the General Faculties Council (GFC), the Senate, and the Board of Governors: University of Alberta committees
The collective agreement also mandates NASA representation on a number of joint committees with the university: Collective Agreement committees
Finally, there are a number of external committees that NASA is represented on: External committees
For more information, or if you are interested in volunteering with one of NASA's committees, please contact the NASA office by email at or by phone at 780.439.3181 or 1.877.439.3111.