We’ve heard from numerous members who are concerned about the announced increases to monthly campus parking rates that will go into effect on April 1, 2025. The increases vary by parking lot, but prices are set to jump by an average of almost 20%.
This increase far outpaces other cost-of-living jumps that our members and all Albertans are struggling with. By comparison, the latest year-over-year Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase in Alberta was 2.5%, and even high-inflation products like rent (7.2% increase), energy (6.6% increase), and private transportation (6.2% increase) are relatively minor compared to the increase in parking fees.
Looking at it another way, a member making $50,000 a year would see more than a third of the Employer’s latest proposed salary increase of 2% in the first year wiped out by this increase in parking fees alone.
Making life more unaffordable for staff who need to drive to work at a time when the cost of living is already stretching everyone’s wallet to the breaking point is unacceptable, and NASA will be communicating our concerns to senior administration. Let us know if you’ll be impacted by this increase, so we can share our members’ feedback with the university.